… and by-the-way, what is the Co-Op Workspace?

In June of 2023 the Smoky Mountain Quilters Guild board met to determine the viability and potential for utilizing the Co-Op Workspace at Cowee School. It was decided that we would take the plunge and try the room in order to see what we might use it for.
The Cowee School Co-Op Workspace simply gives artists, groups, crafters, etc. the opportunity to share a room for limited days instead of renting a room for every day of the week. The SMQG has opted to “rent” this space for all Mondays. This space can be used for classes, workshops, or bees as determined by the Co-Op Workspace committee and the SMQG board.
Check the CALENDAR tab to see what is coming up in the Co-Op Room! It is a great resource for our guild.